Alumna releases film highlighting the human need for companionship

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Eleanor Dolan has released a new short film ‘The Brass Elephant in the Room’, which has been distributed by American production company Gunpowder & Sky to over 5.4 million subscribers on their platform ALTER.

Eleanor gradauted in 2017 with a degree in Fine Art. During lockdown she co-founded 13 Pictures to produce modern art house films.

Eleanor comments:

“The film is a highly visual and surreal modern day interpretation of a silent film communicating the fundamental human need for companionship.

“To celebrate the arts, and secure distribution on such a big platform at such an uncertain time for our community has been really positive.”

After finishing her degree, Eleanor was awarded funding by Channel 4’s Random Acts Screen South Ignition Network for her debut film ‘Ready or Not’, which gained recognition on both a national and international level.

Currently, Eleanor is involved with the Media Trust and ScreenSkills Emerging Talent Programme developing a historical-fantasy feature script. She is also developing a fantasy-drama script called ‘Stag Beetle’ which she hopes to launch in 2021 as part of the British Film Industry Script Development Programme.

You can watch Eleanor’s latest short film, ‘The Brass Elephant in the Room’ .