Transforming from IT pro to thriller novelist

Iain is smiling at the camera and holding a Kindle and you can also see a copy of his book 'Battleground'

In an inspiring journey of self-discovery and determination, alumnus Iain Smith has defied conventional career paths by transitioning from the world of IT to becoming a thriller novelist.

Graduating in 1980 with a BA (Hons) in English Literature, Iain initially found himself far from the literary realm, delving into the intricacies of Information Technology. However, his passion for storytelling never waned, even as he navigated the responsibilities of family life.  

It wasn't until a move to a new job and county in 2006 where evenings spent in solitary hotel rooms sparked a revelation. Realising it was his time to write, Iain penned his debut novel, "," a gripping political thriller which he self-published in 2012 after facing challenges with traditional publishing routes. 

Undeterred by initial setbacks, Iain continued to write a series of captivating thrillers including "Golden Condor" and its prequel "Para-athlete." Despite struggles to gather feedback from para-athletes for the latter, Iain remained committed, drawing inspiration from online resources. 

With plans already underway for his fifth novel, Iain continues to captivate audiences with his thrilling narratives, proving that it's never too late to pursue one's passion and leave behind a lasting legacy.