Sport Committee

Terms of Reference

Accountable to:

  • Senate and Council

Responsible for:

  1. To determine, review and champion the University's Sporting Excellence and Opportunity core strategy and its implementation, ensuring it helps deliver, and is aligned to, the overall University strategy.
  2. To ensure strategic integration between academic and operational sport activity.
  3. To support the PVC Sport in identifying strategic priorities.
  4. To develop and review institutional policies relevant to the use and provision of sport.
  5. To consider proposals for strategic sports partnerships.
  6. To take a strategic view across the development and use of sports facilities and advise Infrastructure Committee, the Sports Capital PMB and the Strategic Portfolio and Resource Committee of priorities and issues in relation to these.

Standard duties:

  1. To report to Council and Senate after each meeting.
  2. To review annually its Terms of Reference and membership.
  3. To review annually its effectiveness.
  4. To refer business to other Committees as it sees fit.