
Department of Materials


28 Nov 2018

Materials Academic Awarded Exchange Leadership Award

This has led to his selection to represent the Polymer Physics group (PPG), from the UK with an invited lecture at the (APS) meeting in Boston next year.

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was established in 2009, in order to strengthen ties between the Division of Polymer Physics (DPOLY) of the American Physical Society (APS) and the (PPG.) 

Starting with meetings in 2009 and offering every two years to coincide with PPG biennial meetings, each group chooses a young polymer scientist who will present an invited lecture at the meeting of the other group.

The formal award will be presented later this year.

Ignacio had this to say in response to receiving the award:

"It is a great honour to be awarded this prize from the Institute of Physics, especially when I look at the experience and recognition of previous Exchange Lecturers. I am looking forward to representing the UK Polymer Physics community at the APS conference in Boston in 2019."

The Department of Materials offers their congratulations to Dr Martin-Fabiani and we wish him all the best for his invited lecture in 2019.