Entry requirements

All candidates must have (or expect to gain) a good honours degree (usually at least 2.1) in Mathematics, Education, Psychology or a related discipline.

It would be an advantage in some cases to have an MA/MSc in Mathematics Education, Educational Research Methods or in a related discipline. The exact qualifications required will vary according to the nature of the proposed project and prospective candidates are strongly encouraged, prior to applying, to approach potential supervisors to discuss the suitability of their qualifications and their proposed project. Other qualifications may be considered in conjunction with significant experience in the field.

Good English language skills, both oral and written, are essential; t.

Successful applicant(s) will be expected, with support, to study relevant research literature, attend appropriate training to fill gaps in their preparation and develop their general skills, identify research questions and take the lead in designing and conducting studies to investigate these questions. They will also be expected to take a full part in the research life of the Centre, participating in research seminars and reading group sessions, giving presentations and seeking funding to attend conferences.