
If you’re worried about a student who has talked to you about being stalked.


What can you do to support them?

  • Could you encourage them to complete the Evidence log, be their buddy or identify a buddy?
  • Show support and avoid blaming them for a crime they are being subject to.
Evidence log on the Student Services website

Listen to their concerns

Listen to how it is impacting them. Ask what they want to happen next.

6 Tips for Active Listening

Based on the Samaritans guidelines for active listening, presents 6 easy tips on how to actively listen, and support a friend or loved one while helping them through a tough time.

Signpost / support

You could signpost the student to local or national services. Including:

  • Victim First
  • The national stalking helpline number, Victim Support Supportline: 08 08 16 89 111 or request support via their website.

Report online

If you have covered all the above steps and think that the student would benefit from additional support, you can report via the Online tool.

It is good practice to inform the student that you are reporting concerns, unless it is unsafe to do so.

Related information

Other services

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