Innovation and Impact In Education

For significant innovation and impact in education provision.

Winner: Christof Leicht

Christof has been nominated for his innovative solution to the student demand for feedback on exams - within the backdrop of real pressures on resources and staff capacity to meet tight marking timelines. The tool, INDAF (Individual Assessment Feedback), with little user burden, analyses marks that are awarded in a typical marking process and produces an individualised assessment feedback report, which highlights excellent areas and areas for development for the student.

Christof Leicht and the Vice-Chancellor
Christof Leicht receiving a VC award from the Vice-Chancellor, Nick Jennings


The Academic Integrity Leads

The Academic Integrity Leads within Schools have a challenging role in supporting students to enhance their scholarship, while also referring cases for academic misconduct. Reviewing cases can be both emotionally challenging as some of the students commit academic misconduct due desperate personal circumstances. The AIL job is therefore something that very few people want but a small group go out of their way to make sure it’s done well for the sake of us all and our reputation.

Alis Iacob

SDCA’s Alis Iacob has been nominated for her significant achievements within teaching, research and community building. Her cornerstone achievement over  2023-2024 was renovating an old storage cupboard into a ‘De-escalation room’. A space she decluttered, painted, furnished and create bespoke designs for in response to an absence of break out spaces in Edward Barnsley.

The AI In Education Group

The AI in Education Group is an initiative of the UT staff members from the department of Computer Science. Since the launch of OpenAI, the group has taken an active stand trying not only to promote the use of the models and coordinate it, but also to advise others on best practice (beside the usual School of Science colleagues, the group has recently held a nationwide workshop).