
Recent Journal Special Issues by GaWC Researchers

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Derudder, B., Meijers, E., Harrison, J., Hoyler, M. and Liu, X. (eds) (2022): Regional Studies 42 (8)

Hoyler, M. and Harrison, J. (eds) (2017): Environment and Planning A 49 (12)


Article Forum: Van Meeteren, M., Derudder, B. and Bassens, D. (2016): Dialogues in Human Geography 6 (3)


Faulconbridge, J. and Grubbauer, M. (eds) (2015): Global Networks 15 (3)
Watson, A. and Taylor, C. (eds) (2014): European Planning Studies 22 (12)
Derudder, B. and Parnreiter, C. (eds) (2014): Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 105 (4)

Harrison, J. and Hoyler, M. (eds) (2014): Urban Studies 51 (11)


Hoyler, M., Lüthi, S. and Thierstein, A. (eds) (2011): Raumforschung und Raumordnung 69 (3)

Oosterlynck, S. and Derudder, B. (eds) (2011): Belgeo (1-2)


Witlox, F. and Derudder, B. (eds) (2011): Journal of Urban Technology 18 (1)


Derudder, B., Timberlake, M. and Witlox, F. (eds) (2010): Urban Studies 47 (9)


MacLeavy, J. and Harrison, J. (eds) (2010): Antipode 42 (5)
Derudder, B. and Witlox, F. (eds) (2010): Global Networks 10 (1)
Beaverstock, J.V., Derudder, B., Faulconbridge, J.R. and Witlox, F. (eds) (2009): Geografiska Annaler: Series B Human Geography 91 (3)
Faulconbridge, J.R. and Hall, S. (eds) (2009): Geoforum 40 (5)
Hoyler, M., Kloosterman, R.C. and Sokol, M. (eds) (2008): Regional Studies 42 (8)
Hoyler, M. and Jöns, H. (eds) (2008): Social Geography 2/3
Derudder, B., Witlox, F., Faulconbridge, J. and Beaverstock, J. (eds) (2008): GeoJournal 71 (1)
Halbert, L., Convery, F. and Thierstein, A. (eds) (2006): Built Environment 32 (2)