Millie with sled dog

Student treks to the Arctic Circle for charity

Art and Design Foundation student, Millie Peacock, took on the challenge to raise money for the National Autistic Society. Along with other students, Millie trekked 225km with dogs from Tromso to the point where Sweden, Norway and Finland meet within the Arctic Circle.

She signed up after seeing it advertised on the University campus as part of and had to raise £3,200 for the trip. She raised the money by holding different events, including a coffee morning and a speed dating night. Businesses also agreed to provide sponsorship to help her reach her goal.

The trek was not without its challenges. It took seven days in freezing conditions, especially when their campfire went out overnight, and it was physically exhausting. The whole team picked up a stomach bug which cut their trip slightly short, but Millie has remained positive about the experience.

She said: “The trek was mentally and physically challenging and the extra hardship in the form of illness made the expedition even more adverse. However, the dogs, the dog sledding in general and the ethereal views made the experience extremely rewarding.

“The is a hugely deserving charity and I'm proud to have raised over £3,600 to help them continue to help those affected by autism.”
