Anchoring technology solutions in challenging ground conditions for application in a floating wind farm array

  • Project code: SU-EnerHy 2024-1
  • Subject areas:  Engineering, Science
  • Location: Strathclyde University 
  • Supervisors: Primary supervisor: , External supervisors:

Project summary

are the industrial partners for this project. Anchoring technologies have long been
established within the offshore industry, yet the emergence of floating offshore wind (FOW)
introduces novel complexities not commonly encountered in other sectors such as Oil and Gas
or Maritime. One particularly challenging aspect revolves around challenging ground
conditions, identified within a number of potential floating offshore wind development areas.
These challenging ground conditions, often characterized by harder substrates, present a
departure from the conventional norm of Drag Embedment Anchors (DEAs) and/or suction

Following recent reviews of anchoring technology and the impact on feasibility in certain
seabed conditions completed by ORE Catapult in [1, 2], a further detailed follow-on
assessment is deemed pertinent to expand on the work completed to date, in particular
identifying areas of high potential for floating offshore wind with particularly challenging ground

A thorough investigation into the seabed properties across the UK continental shelf, with a
special focus on the prospective floating wind deployment regions of North East England,
Scotland, and the Celtic Sea, is imperative.

Aims and objectives

Anchor technology analysis will include but is not limited to assessment and understanding of
key parameters such as:

  • Applicability of specific technologies to certain ground conditions
  • Applicability of specific technologies to certain mooring system designs
  • Installation feasibility
  • Programme impact
  • LCOE impact
  • Understanding of novel solutions becoming available within the market
  • Maintenance and inspection requirements
  • Decommissioning

It is expected that this project will involve interpretation of geophysical/geotechnical datasets
where available, performance modelling and analysis of a number of case studies.

ESB will support the project through identification of potential case study options and supply of
supporting information / details relating to site specific ground conditions, sharing of market
contacts, technical engineering support and our experience to date.


[1] , ORE Catapult (
[2] (

Important information

This studentship is open to applicants with a first-class or upper second-class degree (or equivalent) in Geotechnical, Structural or Civil engineering, Physics or any Engineering discipline may also be considered. Keep a note of the project code once you have applied

Project code: SU-EnerHy 2024-1


Please complete the form below AND click the email application link.