Associate Professor Victoria Lemieux

IAS Annual Theme: AI:Facts, Fictions, Futures

School of Information, The University of British Columbia

Victoria is an experienced and multidimensional technology leader, innovator and academic. She currently holds a position as an Associate Professor of Archival Science at the University of British Columbia’s School of Information and serves as the Chief Information Security & Privacy Officer for Molecular You, a young company focused on AI-driven personalized healthcare. She is also founder and co-lead of Blockchain@UBC, the University of British Columbia’s multidisciplinary blockchain research cluster. She has previously held senior positions as a professional archivist and records manager within the public sector, as a VP responsible for information governance and IT Security for a global investment bank, in higher education as a senior administrator and educator, and at the World Bank as a Senior Public Sector Specialist.

She has consulted for the United Nations, the Commonwealth Secretariat, and the Inter-American Development Bank and has collaborated on research projects with the US Treasury, Office of Financial Research. Her academic research focuses on risk to the availability of trustworthy records and how these risks impact upon transparency, financial stability, public accountability, and human rights.

She is the author and editor of award-winning articles and books, including Financial Analysis and Risk Management: Data Governance, Analytics and Life Cycle Management (Springer, 2012); Building Trust in Information – Perspectives on the Frontiers of Provenance (Springer, 2016), and Building Decentralized Trust – Multidisciplinary Perspectives on the Design of Blockchains and Distributed Ledgers (Springer, 2020). Her latest book - Searching for Trust: Blockchain Technology in an Age of Disinformation - will be published by Cambridge University Press in April 2022.

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