
Sports Technology Institute


Paul Lückemann

Photo of  Paul Lückemann

Doctoral Researcher


Advancing a full-swing golf club tracking system by pre- and post-impact analysis

Key research areas

Motion Capture, Golf Science, Impact Mechanics, Computer Vision

Summary of research

The focus of Paul’s PhD project is to deliver a measurement system that provides new insights and drives innovation in golf club engineering and fitting. A multi-camera motion capture system is used to track the golf club in 3D space at high sampling rates. Software is developed that interfaces with the motion capture system and provides a golf-specific analysis of the swing by measuring relevant swing and impact metrics. Novel data science methods are used to improve accuracy and precision of measurements around the impact. Various validations are performed throughout the system development to ensure data quality and integrity.

Academic supervisors

  • Jonathan Roberts
  • Steph Forrester
  • Aimee Mears
  • Paul Wood
  • Erik Henrikson
  • Tom Trueblood
  • Jonathan Shepherd (Ping Inc.)

Additional academic projects / roles

Paul is part of the 5th cohort of the Centre for Doctoral Training in Embedded Intelligence (CDT-EI) and as part of the doctoral training, collaborated in three-month consultancy projects with Severn Trent Water (2019) and British Gypsum (2020).


After graduating in BSc Physics from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Paul followed his passion of combining sports and technology and studied MSc Sports Engineering at the Chemnitz University of Technology. For his Master’s project, Paul spent half a year abroad at the Centre of Sports Engineering Research at the Sheffield Hallam University, where he developed a method to analyse cricket bat swings using a wireless inertial sensor.

Non academic interests

Travelling, Golf, Beach Volleyball.

Publications / presentations

  • Lückemann, P., Roberts, J. R., Forrester, S. E., Mears, A. C., Henrikson, E., Trueblood, T., Shepherd, J., Wood, P. (2022). Validation of golf club delivery parameters for a fast optical capture system. Presented at the 2022 World Scientific Congress of Golf.
  • Lückemann, P., Roberts, J. R., Forrester, S., Mears, A., & Shepherd, J. (2022). The “sweet spot” of a driver by measures of post-impact clubhead rotation. In ISEA Engineering of Sport 14 Conference Proceedings. https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1021&context=resec-isea
  • Lückemann, P.; Forrester, S.; Mears, A.; Shepherd, J.; Roberts, J. (2020). Assessment of Measurement Uncertainty in Optical Marker Tracking of High-Speed Motion. Proceedings 2020, 49(1), 72, doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2020049072.
  • Lückemann, P.; Forrester, S.; Mears, A.; Shepherd, J.; Roberts, J. (2020). Assessment of Measurement Uncertainty in Optical Marker Tracking of High-Speed Motion. Proceedings 2020, 49(1), 72, doi.org/10.3390/proceedings2020049072.
  • Lückemann, P.; Haid, D. M.; Brömel, P.; Schwanitz, S.; Maiwald, C. (2018). Validation of an Inertial Sensor System for Swing Analysis in Golf. Proceedings 2 (6), 246, doi:10.3390/proceedings2060246.
  • Lückemann, P.; Curtis, D.; Odenwald, S. (2018). Effective momentum approach for optimising player-bat performance in Cricket. 12. Symposium der Sektion Sportinformatik und Sporttechnologie der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft, spinfortec2018 Abstractband, p. 33-34.