Diversity Allies

We are encouraging people to consider how they can support others across our School and community.

The Diversity Allies initiative was launched by the School of Science Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Committee, offering a new perspective on diversity that is relevant to everyone in the School.

The focus of the campaign is to encourage people to consider how they can support others from a range of diversity groups in our School and community. Whether we consider ourselves as part of a diversity group or not, there will be groups we are not part of that can benefit from our support and where we can make a real difference.

The Committee have worked to create a list of tips on how to be a good diversity ally and assembled a set of resources to help, in the hope that people in the School will take on the challenge and that together, we can make the School a more inclusive place for everyone by ensuring that no-one from any diversity group is left to deal with their experiences on their own.

What does it mean to be an ally?

Members of the University's EDI Sub-Committee, Veronica Moore, Adele MacKinlay and David Wilson, explore the role of an ally.


Here are some resources on diversity and inclusivity suggested by our Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Committee.





