Living well with a long-term health condition: sport & exercise after organ transplantation

  • 10 February 2021
  • 5.30pm

Public lecture presented By National Centre for Sport & Exercise Medicine

This public lecture, delivered by Dr Gareth Wiltshire - Lecturer in Sport and Performance Psychology, will use the experiences of organ transplant recipients to shed light on how sport and exercise can be a meaningful way for people with long-term health conditions to live well while managing illness. After highlighting the current exercise recommendations for organ transplant recipients, the lecture will then draw on qualitative research with recipients to explore the ways in which exercise is implicated in recipients’ complex and individual patient journeys.

Organ transplantation is widely celebrated as a life-saving treatment for a range of illnesses. However, in line with the view that 21st century medicine is increasingly oriented towards long-term notions of ‘living-well’ after surviving serious illness, it is important to understand life after transplantation brings new challenges. For organ transplant recipients, this involves managing on-going medical treatment, uncertainty about future illness and often a complex emotional relationship with one’s donor – living or deceased. With a growing number of transplant recipients using sport and exercise as a means to stay healthy and live well post-transplant, the lecture will outline new research that is revealing for the first time how sport and exercise can play a crucial role in the lives of recipients as they deal with the realities of a life reliant on someone else’s organ.

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Booking information
This public lecture is open to anyone with an interest in the topic and is free to attend. The session will take place via Zoom. It will begin at 5:30pm and last for approximately an hour. To book your place please complete the online form. You will be sent a link to access the online session the day before the event.