Managing mental health and its comorbidity in the workplace

  • 13 July 2022
  • 16:30-18:00
  • Online

It is estimated that 15% of the working population experience a common mental health problem such as stress, depression and anxiety and 50% will experience a mental health problem at least once in their life. Poor mental health has serious implications for the individual, their place of work and for society as a whole. The links between long-term health conditions such musculoskeletal pain, cardio-respiratory problems and cancer, and common mental health problems bring further challenges to managing mental health and life-long disability.

In this inaugural lecture, Professor Fehmidah Munir will share her past, present and future research on managing mental health in the workplace from a holistic perspective. Ranging from the impact mental health has on the individual and the workplace, the perceptions of mental health in comparison to physical long-term health conditions and as a comorbidity, to the management of mental health both individually and on a strategic level. Finally, she will share insights on the essential building blocks for managing workplace mental health and innovative ways of supporting an individual’s own management of their mental health at work.

Refreshments to be served from 4.30pm outside the lecture theatre for those attending in-person.

Visit the event website for further details

Contact and booking details

Jess East
Telephone number
07714 620145
Email address
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