Public Lecture: Good to Grow? Realising the Developmental Potential of PE & Youth Sport

  • 11 October 2023
  • 11 October 2023, 17:30 - 18:30
  • Dr Oliver Hooper, Lecturer and Dr Rachel Sandford, Senior Lecturer in Young People and Sport

In this talk, Dr Oliver Hooper and Dr Rachel Sandford will examine commonly held notions around the ‘Power of Sport’ to inform, empower and transform.

Dr Oliver Hooper and Dr Rachel Sandford will focus in particular on the experiences of children and young people, they will discuss the potential of physical education and youth sport for promoting positive youth development and consider the importance of ensuring equitable access for all young people.

Drawing upon their extensive research with marginalised youth – and utilising the voices of participants themselves – they will outline the challenges that some youth populations face in accessing physical education and youth sport, and thereby the developmental opportunities such activities might provide.

In closing, they suggest some ways forward for both policy and practice and consider how to truly realise the developmental potential for all young people.

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Booking information
This online public lecture is free to attend and is open to anyone with an interest in the topic. The talk will last for approximately an hour. To book your place please complete the online booking form.