NSPCC podcast: Body image, weight management and disordered eating in sport

Dr Carolyn Plateau, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, has recorded a series of five podcasts with the NSPCC, focusing on disordered eating and eating disorders in sport.

The series highlights the importance of creating a positive culture around food, nutrition, weight and shape for young athletes and the responsibility to create a safer sporting environment where athletes voices are heard.

The five podcasts focus on:

  • Part 1 - Exploring terminology
    In this podcast, we discuss terminology and consider relative energy deficiency in sport, sometimes referred to as RED-S. We explore how not having enough energy will have negative consequences for athletes and how this can be linked to disordered eating and eating disorders.

  • Part 2 - Transitions (understanding adolescent development)
    In this podcast, we explore when eating disorders and disorders eating can occur, risky periods and possible triggers for athletes, and how sports can support athletes during these transitions.

  • Part 3 - Weight monitoring in sports settings
    In this podcast, we look at the impact and relative importance of weight monitoring in sport, why people might monitor weight, and when it may and may not be appropriate.

  • Part 4 – Weight-making sports and activities
    In this podcast, we discuss some of the challenges high-performance athletes face in weight-making sports. We discuss who is responsible for supporting athletes and ensuring that athlete wellbeing is prioritised.

  • Part 5 - Creating positive cultures in sport around food, weight and shape
    In this podcast, we look at how sport and activity providers can create a culture of healthy eating practices and ensure young people feel supported and comfortable speaking to someone if they are concerned about anything.
