Reading list project

New reading lists system coming soon

The University is moving to a new online reading lists system during Semester 2 2023/24. The current system (LORLS) has worked well for us for over 22 years but is on a server that is being decommissioned and so the University is taking this opportunity to introduce a new system that will provide a more attractive interface, with greater functionality.

There are three main streams of activity: implementation, data migration, and support and training.


This workstream has been completed.

The new system has been set up including branding and structure, with integrations into key University systems including the Library Management System, LUSI (module and student information) and Learn established. User testing with students and academic staff has been completed, with feedback about the new system being very positive.

Data migration

This workstream was completed on 15/04/2024.

It involved mapping the active reading lists in the current reading list system into the new system to ensure that the data was transferred appropriately so no one had to input the same data twice.

This stage involved a brief period during which academics were not able to edit a reading list on either online system to ensure that the data was kept as clean and consistent as possible, with no edits lost. Throughout this period students were able to view their lists through their usual routes and academics were able to let the library know about any essential changes. The quietest time of the reading list editing year was selected for this stage.

With the data successfully migrated and extensive quality checking by Library staff having taken place across a large sample of reading lists, academic colleagues are now welcome to view and edit their lists on the new system, and to share them with students by adding a link to their Learn page. Instructions for adding lists to Learn have been provided by the Technology Enhanced Learning team in a their new TEL Guide, .

Support and training

This workstream is underway. Supporting materials are available as of 15/04/2023 on two new webpages:

Reading lists: help for staff

Reading lists: help for students

We are offering a webinar (including Q&A) on the new reading list system which will run several times throughout summer 2024, as well as one-to-one appointments with librarians to address specific queries, advise on best practice, and provide 'at-elbow' support.

You can also contact your Academic Librarian directly or email for assistance.

This workstream is being planned in consultation with users and will provide an opportunity to review reading list practices.

Student FAQs

How do I access my reading lists?

The version of your reading list in the old reading list system will remain available via Learn until the end of Semester 2. At the same time, lecturers are being encouraged to add a link to the new reading list system, and in most cases this will appear in the Module Information section of the Learn page.  This link, once added, will take you directly to the reading list for your module.

You can also search by module code or module title on the homepage of the new reading list system to access your new reading list.

What will be the benefits?

The new reading list system looks much more modern, can be better embedded into Learn and has additional functionality, e.g. the ability to filter within lists, add reading intentions, personalise your reading list with notes and change the referencing styles for viewing and creating quick bibliographies.

Are there any downsides?

The new system is expected to improve the student user experience. There will be a period in which you might need to access your reading list via a different link or choose which system you prefer, if your lecturer updates your list mid-semester, but ultimately the reading list experience will improve for you.

When will the new system be working?

The new system is now live. Even if your reading list has not yet been added to the Learn module, you can search for it by module code or module title by visiting the new reading list system.

Academic staff FAQs

How do I access my reading lists?

Reading lists in LORLS are currently available on a read-only basis, with editing permissions withdrawn. 

As of 15/04/2024, the new reading list system is officially live, and this is where we will ask you to edit your reading lists going forward. The LORLS reading lists can remain available in Learn to ensure a consistent student experience throughout the assessment season.

How will my workflows change?

The new system will bring in some new workflows for academics. Training and support materials detailing the new workflows are available and we will be keeping you informed about the changes in a variety of ways. Please contact your Academic Librarian or for more information.

Reading lists: help for staff

How will you be supporting me through this change?

We appreciate that any change to workflows and systems will take time to learn. We will offer live face-to-face and online training sessions, as well as training materials, such as videos and quick start guides. If you have any questions, please contact your Academic Librarian or

Reading lists: help for staff

What information will be migrated from the current system to the new reading list system?

All reading lists that are currently in our reading lists system which have content and are for modules which have recently run will be migrated to the new system. Lists that have not run for over three years, lists that are not attached to modules, and lists that are empty will not be migrated.

There are a small number of reading lists which have sub-lists. While the resources on these sub-lists will be migrated across to the new reading list system, they will be presented within the main list rather than appearing on separate sub-lists. For some reading lists, the addition of items from sub-lists may result in a very long reading list so we advise editing sub-lists before the migration in February. Please refer to our best practice for reading lists guidance for assistance.

Hidden items are not supported by the new system so any items that are currently hidden on reading lists will not be migrated. As there are approximately 10,000 hidden items on the current system, a decision was made that it would be preferable not to move these hidden items as they would appear as live items within reading lists on the new system. If there are hidden items on your reading lists that you would like to be migrated, please update your reading lists and make them visible before we migrate the lists in February.


If you would like more information about the project, please contact

Last updated: 13/04/2024