Presentation Anxiety

Presentation anxiety is the experience of feeling an intense moment of fear or panic before and/or during a presentation.

You may find it hard to concentrate, to think clearly, to sleep and to eat. 

Feeling anxious about a presentation is normal, especially if you struggle with public speaking. Presentation anxiety can usually be overcome with time and practice. 

Tips for improving your presentation skills

There are lots of ways to improve your presentation skills. LinkedIn has several courses around improving your presentation skills: 


How can the University Support you?

The library offers a number of workshops on how to develop your presentation skills. More information is available here.  

A study skills module is featuring guidance on how to improve your presentation skills is available.  

If your first language isn’t English, you can find some advice on presentations . 


What to do next?

Academic Language Support Service

The Academic Language Support Service can help you improve your presentation skills regardless if English or . They have resources, workshops and offer guidance if you should need it. 

Library Resources

The Library also offer resources and workshops with the aim of helping you improve your presentation skills. You can find more about how the Library can help you here

External Resources

Last Updated: 31st August 2022