Assessment and exams

Exam dates, timetables, helpline, and what to do if things go wrong

Whatever your programme of study, it will involve some form of assessment. Centrally-managed exams take place twice a year, other assessments are throughout the academic year.

However, if things go wrong, and you don't meet your potential due to circumstances in your personal or academic life, we have advice here.

Where can I find Exam Dates?

Exams take place during weeks 13, 14 and 15 of each Semester, held Monday to Friday (inclusive), commencing at 9am, 1pm and 4pm.

Interesting to point out that the final day of the exam period is the final day of the Semester.

Exam date information is in the Student Handbook Exams section, linked below.

Exam dates →

When will I receive my Exam timetable?

For Semester 1 and 2 examinations an examination timetable shall be published at least three weeks before the date of any examination included in that timetable.

For the Special Assessment Period, an examination timetable should be published at least two weeks before the date of any examination included in that timetable.

If you would like information on in-class tests and coursework submissions, contact your School.

What is the Exam helpline?

The Exam helpline enables you to speak to or email a member of staff if you are facing difficulty before, during or after an exam. Please note that the helpline is only available during a designated exam period. 

How to get help during the exam →

How do I claim mitigating circumstances?

Please visit the Student Handbook for information about mitigating circumstances and how to submit a claim.

You may want to contact LSU Advice for additional help in completing your claim, further details can be found on the LSU website. If you still have unanswered questions after consulting the Student Handbook and LSU Advice, please contact Student Records & Operations.

Guidance on Mitigating Circumstances →

Where can I find out more about the whole exams process?

There is a section in the Student Handbook dedicated to exams and assessment. It covers the when, how and why of exams and assessment, including a lot of useful and detailed information about the process before, during and after you sit your exams.

This includes topics such as academic misconduct (how to avoid it and the processes if you're alleged to have done it), mitigating circumstances (what to do if things go wrong), academic appeals (what to do if your results aren't what you expected), reassessment (resits) and assessment flexibility (for elite sports or religious reasons).

Assessment and Exams section of the Student Handbook →

How do I make an academic appeal?

Please thoroughly read the Academic Appeals section in the Student Handbook and consult LSU Advice for support if necessary.

Guidance on Academic Appeals →