Photo ID Requirements

Before you register online, it is important that you select an appropriate photograph for your student ID card. This photograph will also be entered onto your student record and may be used to confirm your identity when using the services provided by the University (Library, Halls of Residence etc.).

The uploaded image should:

Be a recent photo of you
Be upright (i.e. vertical, portrait) - as we cannot rotate images once submitted
Show your full face (from the shoulders upwards) with eyes open
Be without any hats or head-wear (unless for religious or medical requirements)
Have no other people or objects in the photo
Have a plain light background
Be in colour, clear and in sharp focus
Have a file format of JPEG (.jpg extension)
Be less than 1MB (megabyte) in size
be approximately 300 pixels wide and 400 pixels high, which is 4cm x 5cm (at a resolution of 200 pixels per inch)

If your chosen image is too large and needs re-sizing, or is in the wrong file format, we suggest using an online conversion tool so that it meets the criteria above. If you are still experiencing difficulties uploading your image after trying this, please contact us.

Please note we cannot accept .HEIC files, which are commonly used to store photos on mobile phones.

If you do not upload a photo, you can still progress through the remaining pages of online registration. However, online registration will not be complete, and we will not be able to produce your ID card until you have successfully uploaded a photo.

If you need to upload your photo at a later point, you cannot use the same . Please re-enter registration using the and login using your IT credentials.