
Imogen, English and History BA

Homesickness is completely natural! Don’t feel bad, university is a change, but don’t worry, whilst it might feel scary now, don’t quit. It will become some of the best years of your life and you’re going to grow so much as a strong, independent person, with wonderful friends, a degree and too many new skills, memories and experiences to count! I’m so excited for you!

Find a routine

Certain things such as your lectures, when you get up, getting that morning coffee/tea/drink, when you go to the gym, sports clubs, societies, when the next episode of your favourite programme comes out, scheduled time to study… anything. I’m not saying schedule everything, but 1-2 things that give you a sense of structure could help you feel more settled.

Imogen and three friends crossing a river.

Get out and about

Don’t be afraid to go places yourself – find some  to try.

By just turning up you’ve found people with a common interest and therefore a starting conversation point.

Imogen and her friend.


Knowing more about your surroundings will help you feel more at home.

Tip: take a look at the  in town on Thursday and Friday. Go around 4pm for reduced prices.

Imogen's wall in her university room which has photos of her with friends on it.

Decorate your room

Inject your personality into your room. It’s a canvas for you to express yourself. Photos, posters, accessories, blankets/bedcovers/cushions, even tying ribbons around your cupboard/drawer handles. Buy some incense as smell is also a key part of making a room comfortable.

A selfie of Imogen and two friends with cards attached to their nose with other peoples chins on it, to make it look like they have a different chin.

Learn some home meals

Bonus points for a group cooking session or shared meal. Maybe take it in turns to cook something each Friday, either different meals or same, such as ‘fajita Friday (if Friday doesn’t suit Sombrero Saturday can be fajitas but with hats!). The designated cook that week could make one fajita a “spicy surprise” for the unlucky drawer.

Imogen and a friend at Loughborogh Students Union.

Share how you are feeling with others; whether fellow students or university support.

Guaranteed other people are feeling the same, have felt the same, and there is support.

Congratulations on getting into uni, that was a challenge right? You were nervous about results but it all turned out fine. So stop your worries, just do your best. With SO many people at uni you’ll find people who will become those Friends Forever that everyone has from their time at uni.

Fact of life: not everyone is going to see you for the wonderful person you are, but everyone is unique. Flowers and butterflies are all beautiful but they don’t all co-exist with each other. Often a butterfly will have to try a few flowers until they find ones they like.

One day you’ll do your own ‘obligatory’ finished-my-degree photo by the university sign and feel sad to be leaving a place that feels like home.

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