Child Poverty Action Group Talk by Josephine Tucker

  • 14 February 2020
  • 9am-11am

In 1999 Tony Blair stated that by 2020 child poverty would be eradicated. Now in 2020 it is time to take stock and contextualise child poverty. 

will discuss  how poverty can affect  opportunities throughout a child’s life, how poverty is now normalised within media discourse and how policy has developed within the last twenty years. This has left  record numbers of families without incomes that can cover living expenses.

Child Poverty Action Group works on behalf of the more than one in four children in the UK growing up in poverty. It doesn’t have to be like this. We use our understanding of what causes poverty and the impact it has on children’s lives to campaign for policies that will prevent and solve poverty – for good. We provide training, advice and information to make sure hard-up families get the financial support they need. We also carry out high profile legal work to establish and protect families’ rights.

To see the Child Poverty Action Group website, click here: 

Contact and booking details

Jenny Ardley
Email address
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