

The Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) initiative has been welcomed by leading scientists in the field as "an internationally competitive consortium comprising star UK players in the fields of Engineering, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine. The track record of the consortium and proposed collaborators and advisors is outstanding with a breadth of multidisciplinary research that will ensure effective delivery of the CDT programme."

The Centre for Doctoral Training aims:

To grow a capacity of more than 100 engineers and physical scientists with the fundamental, multidisciplinary, and translational skills to become leaders in the emerging industry of regenerative medicine.

To create a training programme geared to the needs of the Doctoral Students integrated with both their individual research aspirations and the requirements of the emerging regenerative medicine industry as a whole.

To encourage students to undertake a strategic and coherent research programme that brings together centres of expertise in academia, industry, and healthcare to further the UK world class position in regenerative medicine.