
Research Articles

  • Abed A,  Critchlow C,  Flatt PE,  McClennaghan N, 2012, Directed differentiation of progenitors cells towards an islet-cell pentotype., American Journal of Stem Cells 1 (3); 196-204

  • Smith D, Chippendale TWE, Španěl P, Jan-11, Selected ion flow tube, SIFT, studies of the reactions of H3O+, NO+ and O2+ with some biologically active isobaric compounds in preparation for SIFT-MS analyses, International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 303; 81–89

  • Španěl P,  Dryahina K, Rejšková A, Chippendale TWE, Smith D, Jul-11, Breath acetone concentration; biological variability and the influence of diet, Physiological Measurement 32; N23–N31

  • Chippendale TWE,  Španěl P,  Smith D, Aug-11, Time-resolved selected ion flow tube mass spectrometric quantification of the volatile compounds generated by E. coli JM109 cultured in two different media, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry 25; 2163–2172

  • Chippendale TWE, Hu B,  El Haj AJ, Smith D, Sep-11, A study of enzymatic activity in cell cultures via the analysis of volatile biomarkers, Analyst 137; 4677-4685

  • Španěl P, Shestivska V, Chippendale TWE, Smith D, Published online Jan-11, Determination of the deuterium abundances in water from 156 to 10,000 parts per million by SIFT-MS, Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 22; 179-186

  • Chippendale TWE,  Španěl P,  Smith D, Minimising the effects of isobaric product ions in SIFT-MS quantification of acetaldehyde, dimethyl sulphide and carbon dioxide., Current Analytical Chemistry (accepted).

  • Smith D, Chippendale TWE, Dryahina K, Španěl P, SIFT-MS analysis of nose-exhaled breath; mouth contamination and the influence of exercise, Current Analytical Chemistry (accepted).

  • Rutter A,  Chippendale TWE,  Španěl P, Smith D,  Sulé-Suso J, 2013, Quantification by SIFT-MS of acetaldehyde released by lung cells in 3D models, Analyst 138; 91-95

  • Rahman CV, Dror BD, Dhillon A, Kuhn G, Gould TWA, Müller R,, In Press, Controlled release of BMP-2 from a sintered polymer scaffold enhances bone repair in a mouse calvarial defect model, Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine

  • Ratcliffe E,  Huord P, Guijarro-Leach J,  Rayment E,  Williams DJ,  Thomas RJ, Jan-13, Application of response surface methodology to maximize the productivity of scalable automated human embyonic stem cell manufacture, Regenerative Medicine, 8 (1): 39-48

  • Kirby GTS, White LJ, Rahman CV, Cox HC,  Qutachi O,  Rose FRAJ, Hutmacher DW, Shakesheff KM, Woodruff MA, Mar-11, PLGA-Based Microparticles for the Sustained Release of BMP-2, Polymers, 3(1), 571-586

  • Rahman CV,  Kuhn G,  White LJ,  Kirby GTS,  Varghese OP,  McLaren JS, Online 29/1/13, PLGA/PEG-hydrogel composite scaffolds with controllable mechanical properties, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials

  • Lomas AJ, Chen GGQ, El Haj AJ,  Forsyth NR, Sept-12, Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate) supports adhesion and migration of mesenchymal stem cells and tenocytes, World Journal of Stem Cells, 26(9); 94-100

  • Lomas AJ, Webb WR,  Han JF, Chen GGQ,  Sun X,  Zhang Z,  El Haj AJ, Forsyth NR, Online 2/1/13, Poly (3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyhexanoate)/collagen hybrid scaffolds for Tissue Engineering Applications., Tissue Engineering C Methods

  • Tayton E,  Purcell M,  Aarvold A, Smith JO, Kalra S,  Briscoe A,  Shakesheff KM, Howdle SM,  Dunlop DG,  Oreffo RO, May-12, Supercritical CO2 fluid-foaming of polymers to increase porosity: A method to improve the mechanical and biocompatibility characteristics for use as a potential alternative to allografts in impaction bone grafting?, Acta Biomaterialia, 8 (5); 1918–1927

  • Tayton E,  Fahmy S,  Purcell M,  Aarvold A, Smith JO,  Kalra S,  Briscoe A,  Lanham S,  Howdle SM, Shakesheff KM,  Dunlop DG,  Oreffo RO, Dec-12, An analysis of polymer type and chain length for use as a biological composite graft extender in impaction bone grafting: A mechanical and biocompatibility study, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, 00A, (12); 3211-3219

  • Rafiq QA,  Coopman K,  Niewnow AW,  Hewitt CJ, Accepted for publication Feb 2013, A quantitative approach for understanding small-scale human mesenchymal stem cell culture – implications for large-scale bioprocess development, Biotechnology Journal

  • Rose JB,  Williams DJ, May-12, The UK relative to other single payer-dominated healthcare markets for regenerative medicine therapies, Regenerative Medicine, 7 (3); 429-438

  • Yang Y,  Rupani A,  Bagnaninchi P, Wimpenny I, Weightman A, Aug-12, Study of optical properties and proteoglycan content of tendons by polarisation sensitive optical coherence tomography, Journal Biomed Opt, 17 (8); 081417

  • Ahearne M,  Wilson SL,  Liu K-K, Rauz S,  El Haj AJ,  Yang Y, 2010, Influence of cell and collagen concentration on the cell-matrix mechanical relationship in a corneal stroma wound healing model, Experimental Eye Research, 91, (5); 584-591

  • Wilson SL,  Wimpenny I,  Ahearne M,  Rauz S, El Haj AJ,  Yang Y, May-12, Chemical and Topographical Effects on Cell Differentiation and Matrix Elasticity in a Corneal Stromal Layer Model, Advanced Functional Materials; 22 (17): 3641-3649

  • Chan A,  Orme RP,  Fricker R, Roach P, In press July 2012, Remote and local control of stimuli responsive materials for therapeutic applications, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews

  • Wright RCM, Roach P, Fricker RA, Winter 2012, Stem cells for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, Physiology News

  • M.J. Sawkins, K.M. Shakesheff, L.J. Bonassar & G.R. Kirkham. 2013, 3D Cell and Scaffold Patterning Strategies in Tissue Engineering, Recent Patents on Biomedical Engineering, 6(1), 3-21

  • M.J. Sawkins, W. Bowen, P. Dhadda, H. Markides, L.E. Sidney, A.J. Taylor, F.R.A.J. Rose, S.F. Badylak, K.M. Shakesheff & L.J. White. 2013, Hydrogels Derived from Demineralized and Decellularized Bone Extracellular Matrix, Acta Biomaterialia, 9(8), 7865-73

Review Articles

  • Rahman CV,  Saeed A,  White LJ,  Gould TWA, Kirby GTS, Sawkins MJ, Alexander C, Rose FRAJ and Shakesheff KM, Mar-12, Chemistry of Polymer and Ceramic-Based Injectable Scaffolds and Their Applications in Regenerative Medicine, Chemistry of Materials, 24 (5), 781-795

  • Markides H,  Rotherham M, El Haj AJ, 2012, Biocompatibility and Toxicity of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Regenerative Medicine, Journal of Nanotechnology, 2012; 614094

  • Wimpenny I, Markides H, El Haj AJ, 2012, Orthopaedic applications of nanoparticle-based stem cell therapies, Stem cells research and therapy, 3;13

  • Wilson SL, El Haj AJ,  Yang Y, Sep-12, Control of scar tissue formation in the cornea: strategies in clinical and corneal tissue engineering., J. Functional Biomaterials; 3 (3); 642-687

  • Mason C,  McCall MJ,  Culme-Seymour EJ,  Suthasan S,  Edwards-Parton S,  Bonfiglio GA,  Reeve BC, Dec-12, The Global Cell Therapy Industry Continues to Rise during the Second and Third Quarters or 2012, Cell Stem Cell, 11 (6); 735-739

  • Rajamohan D,  Matsa E,  Kalra S,  Crutchley J, Patel A,  George V,  Denning C, Online: Aug 12, Current status of drug screening and disease modelling in human pluripotent stem cells., BioEssays, 34, (11)

  • Rafiq QA, Coopman K,  Hewitt CJ, online Feb 2013, Scale-up of human mesenchymal stem cell culture: current technologies and future challenges, Current opinion in Chemical Engineering

  • Wilson, S.L.; Sidney, L.E.; Dunphy, S.E.; Rose, J.B.; Hopkinson, A. Keeping an Eye on Decellularized Corneas: A Review of Methods, Characterization and Applications. J. Funct. Biomater. 2013, 4, 114-161.

Book Chapters

  • Chippendale TWE, Coopman K, Rafiq Q, Hewitt CJ, El Haj AJ, Jun-11, Isolation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells From Bone Marrow Aspirate, Comprehensive Biotechnology (Second Edition), 5; 115-123

Conference Proceedings

  • Yang Y,  Iftimia A, Jia Y, Gould TWA, El-Haj AJ, Wang R, Feb-10, The study of effects of pore architecture in chitosan scaffolds on the fluid flow pattern by Doppler OCT, SPIE, Vol11(19), 75660-J-1-6

  • Sawkins MJ, Brown BN, Bonassar LJ,  Rose FRAJ, Shakesheff KM, 2011, Bioprinting as a Tool for Osteochondral Tissue Engineering, European Cells and Materials, 22(3), 51

  • Sawkins MJ, Brown BN, Bonassar LJ, Rose FRAJ, Shakesheff KM, 2012, Cell, Scaffold and Growth Factor Patterning via 3D Printing, Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 6 (Supplement 1), 374

  • White LJ, Sawkins MJ,  Badylak SF, Shakesheff KM, 2012, Decellularised Bone Gels – Novel Materials for Bone Regeneration., Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine, 6 (Supplement 1); 168

  • Wilson SL,  Guilbert M, Sulé-Suso J,  Torbet J,  Jeannesson P,  Sockalingum GD, Yang Y, Mar-12, The effect of collagen ageing on its structure and cellular behaviour, Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 8222